Monday, December 21, 2009

1/10 KO Evo X RC

Spotted this beauty at a shop just now for RM 55. It's a huge KO Evo X RC based on the Yukes Team Orange D1 Championship Evo X ( Except the original car is orange). I bought it becaues it's well detailed and it's an Evo !


Starscream said...

1/10 RC for RM$55? Comes pre-decaled some more.. what a good buy.

danielh said...

A very good bargain! nice haul !

W W Quang said...

omg! it costs just 55 bucks?
i saw 1 of it (but a little different ) at tamiya cost 699 -.-
btw , where u got it?

Go! Go! Tomica said...

What brand?

Andrew Cham said...

WW Quang, from a local toy shop. But the quality it can't beat the tamiya version. LOL !

GoGoTomica, it's brandless.

Anonymous said...

wow.. nice one.. can drift ker bro cham??