Monday, April 6, 2009

My Collections Reshot

Messy Wall and Cupboards

A bit more organized...

Forget to tidy my model work place

In the box (Carded Hotwheels+ Matchbox)

My JDM (1:24) Builds

Been quite some time since I post my collection photos. Here it is... Enjoy..


Nanie Harris said...

Coooollll man! i hope that i can collect like that!

Anonymous said...

Wow.. so nice Bro. You have many nice models..hehe

JDMike's Diecast Site said...

wow!! I see plenty of great stuff there! congrats Andrew! :-)

love those evos of course! :-)

benpaul said...

wow bro! speachless! hahaha you can already open a diecast shop.. haha.. great stuff seen there! since when you were collecting and roughly how much does all your collections come in all combine? $$$!!! xD

Anonymous said...

fuulamak. whole room of collection!
damn envy! keep up the good work.

•●小佑●• said...

do i knw u?

Andrew Cham said...

thanks reds, tom, jdmikes,benm enrius...

steveang, yes i know my senior at school last time...

ben, i dare to not calculate man !

Stephen said...

woww..., your collections is so cool!!!